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Adobe Premiere Pro是业界领先的视频编辑软件,具有丰富的创意工具、与其他应...
2024-01-31 9.61k免费

有时照片无法传达拍摄时的所有印象。借助Adob​​e Lightroom Classic工具,您...
2024-01-31 6.9k免费

您想象的任何内容都可以在Adob​​e Photoshop中创建,这是图像处理和图形设计...
2024-01-31 1.04w免费

These are the exact same LUTs that I always use to color gra...
2024-02-13 915 8

Achieve perfect filmic tones for your footage. 实现您素...
2024-02-13 1.06k 10

The Kodak 2393 D65/D55 Print Film Emulation LUT built as a f...
2024-02-13 845 12

The “master pack.” is definitely the all-rounder among all packages....
2024-02-13 1.84k 8

If you’re looking for professional Cinematic LUTS, look no f...
2024-02-13 1k 18

This pack has all 66 of my Professional Video LUTS. 这个...
2024-02-13 987 9

29 original LUTs inspired by iconic 80’s Movies, including W...
2024-02-13 852 6
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