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 隆重推出我们新的“Majestic”预设包。一个精心制作的收藏,旨在将您的 R...
2024-02-13 1.36k 12

The “master pack.” is definitely the all-rounder among all packages....
2024-02-13 1.84k 8

The Preset Power are not simple presets. Every single Preset Power can g...
2024-02-13 2.03k 8

NOSTALGIA 预设包专为对大气和怀旧情绪有敏锐欣赏力的现代艺术家而设计。它包...
2024-02-13 1.02k 8

The Journey Pack is representative of my entire career. Each of these LU...
2024-02-13 1.05k 6

These are the exact same LUTs that I always use to color gra...
2024-02-13 915 8

The Kodak 2393 D65/D55 Print Film Emulation LUT built as a f...
2024-02-13 845 12

This pack has all 66 of my Professional Video LUTS. 这个...
2024-02-13 987 9

29 original LUTs inspired by iconic 80’s Movies, including W...
2024-02-13 852 6

Colorful & cinematic LUTs from the creative duo at Artist Found. Thi...
2024-02-13 1.55k 10
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