When applying a LUT to your footage, turn the opacity/intensity of the LUT all the way down to 0% and then slowly start increasing it. You can stop increasing the opacity/intensity when you feel like you’ve gotten the desired result that you’re looking for.
在应用 LUT 到您的素材时,请将 LUT 的不透明度/强度完全降至 0%,然后慢慢开始增加。当您觉得已经达到所需的效果时,可以停止增加不透明度/强度。
If during this process, you feel like part of your image is starting to look too dark or bright, you can make a simple exposure adjustment on your footage to fix this. The same concept applies to white balance as well. If your image is looking too warm or cool, a simple white balance correction in your highlights will instantly fix this.
There is also a LUT included in this pack called “Adjust-fade”. Feel free to use this LUT on it’s own, or on top of another lut to create a faded look. When using this LUT you will definitely want to lower the opacity/intensity to avoid completely washing out your footage.
此套装中还包含一个名为“Adjust-fade”的 LUT。随意单独使用此 LUT,或将其叠加到另一个 LUT 上以创建淡化效果。在使用此 LUT 时,您肯定会想降低不透明度/强度,以避免完全冲洗掉您的素材。